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Bloom by OrganonTM

Every Path
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Bloom by OrganonTM is intended for Canadians who have been prescribed the following Organon medications: ORGALUTRAN®, PREGNYL® or PUREGON®. Access the online patient resources to learn more about your medication, including:

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You have been prescribed
PUREGON®, by your doctor.

To access information and resources about your Organon medication, enter the 8-digit Drug Identification Number (DIN), found on the right corner of your medication package.

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“How does my medication work?”

Your body is yours. Learn more about how your medication is supporting your treatment.

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“How do I take my medication?”

Our goal is to help you feel confident in administering your medication, as instructed by your doctor.

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“Where can I go to learn more?”

You’re not alone. Check out our lifestyle support and list of resources.